Project Experience
International forecasting tool development and macroeconomic impacts of EU Space Programmes Agency and Conceptual Framework development for the economic impacts of the space sector.
Simulation modelling consultation for the mining sector (critical minerals)
Agent Based Modelling for financial forecasting - NEST Pensions Corporation (Pensions)
System dynamics policy-level modelling of innovation diffusion
Discrete event modelling of supply chain factors
Innovation policy and regional / urban regeneration through developing university-business partnership projects
Macroeconomic impact analysis for UK Government (Depts for Business and Transport)
Conceptual model consultation for Dept of Culture Media and Sport
Contributions to:
Government Trade and Investment White Paper
House of Lords Select Committee on Soft Power and the UK's Influence
Digital Twin (Cyber Physical Infrastructure) consultation by Dept for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy
Business intelligence development, for data science and data warehousing (for Smith and Nephew and Crest Nicholson)
Exploration of International Trade Issues -- eg Government Procurement Agreements (GPA)
in WTO rules applied to GATT services trade for European Commission in representation to US Dept of Commerce -
Public Relations management in the the film industry (Icon Film Distribution Ltd via Share Jesus International, London)
Cost benefit analysis for the European Commission and UK Government
Industry supply-demand market growth simulation in mobile telecoms markets using system dynamics and econometrics (for EU client with CGI [Logica], Telefónica, Telecom Italia)